Wave Off the Enemies

Developed in Unity


 Dive into an Third-Person Online Competitive Gravitational Brawler


Use waves & gravity to push your opponents off of platforms in a variety of game modes!

Multiple characters with unique abilities & networked gameplay!


Working as a team of 9, Wavebent was developed in year.

 I was brought on as an external collaborator for Wavebent, a Capstone project part of the GamePipe program, being developed at the University of Southern California.

I was one of two gameplay engineers for the team, and I handled: Player Interactions, Player Abilities, UI/UX Coding, & Menu’s



Various Gameplay

Menu & Game Modes

3v3 Gameplay

10v10 Party Mode

In-Game Store

Playable Characters

Concept Art


As a team we decided to request to showcase our game at the upcoming MineCon event at the Staples Center.

We got approved and had the opportunity to have many individuals of all ages play our game and give us live feedback.


MineCon Experience


Our game was hosted at the USC Games Expo and got to be experienced by hundreds of individuals that attended.

At the Expo we were fortunate enough to be approached by a representative of DICE Los Angeles and were invited to their headquarters.

We were able to talk with game developers and ask them questions. In addition, they playtested our game and gave us feedback.

At the end, we got an invitation to attend EA Play which is an event created to demonstrate unreleased games coming out that year.


USC Games Link:


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